Thursday, January 14, 2010

the primitive worship

      the primitive worship

Let Southern Han Chinese to make, sometimes hard to tell that to Mr. Justice or to the Hon Kwok. Be noted that the steppe peoples to the Chinese cultural initiative to accept there is a deep ethnic roots: First, Chinese culture has the supreme days of world of warcraft power leveling, that is, the Teenager worship, while the Han culture in the days of worship has always been the source in the steppe nation Tengri worship, is Yahooing ancestors from the steppes into the central plains of the primitive worship.

I'm so damn stoked for these guys! They've done really well over the years (10th-year anniversary, btw) and I wish all the best for this terrific crew. Therefore, the highest worship of the Mongolian steppe nomadic days of worship with the Han culture is not only do not conflict, but because of primitive worship of the close genetic relationship and emotional, receptive. Later, Mongolia, Mongolian and Chinese indigenous Han ultimately did not accept Christianity and Islam, and accepted Buddhism, but also with the Mongolian and Han nationality of common worship of the highest days have great relationships; Second, Chinese culture also has an early Confucianism The powerful legacy of the nomadic spirit of aion power leveling, such as "days Gentleman to self-reliance." "Riches cannot be prostitution, poor and lowly could not move, force can bend," and so on are also quite strong dedication combined grassland wolf totem spirit of the national character, and; Third, Confucian best to safeguard "the Son of Heaven" that is "the son of Tengri" in imperial. In short, the Han culture has always been nomadic to farming areas gradually developed a culture, so when the subsequent national grassland farming the land after the Central Plains, you do not have to start from scratch in the culture, as long as the nomadic cultural achievements of our fathers and the younger generation can be brought. Of course, later, Mongolian and Manchu have seen the shortcomings of the Han culture, while accepting the Han culture has done a big trade-offs, and adds a number of nomadic cultures content. Also need to note is that the traditional view is that although you can force the nomads to conquer the Central Plains, but they can use the Han Chinese cultural conquest of nomads, which is actually a point of view Han chauvinism. This view is the biggest mistake of the most fundamental denial of non-cultural factors - China's conquest of the role of agricultural land. China to conquer the vast farmland and softening of any martial arts powerful ancient nomads, the conquest of the role of Chinese farmland is far more than cultural role. Nomads conquered by the Han culture, one-sided point of view, but also is the negation of the Han culture in the nomadic elements of Han culture in the denial of the fractional ownership of the nomads. Moreover, the fact is not a passive nomadic been conquered Han culture, but actively chose Han nomadic culture, which to choose a major reason is because Chinese culture there are elements of nomadic culture.

 Tuba reform has been quite successful, the Northern Wei political stability, economic prosperity, population growth, frequent international contacts with one of the Oriental style big and powerful countries. And culturally advanced, Buddhism prevailed, Bunging, Longman Grottoes in runescape power leveling so far have been a big admire so stupid corruption, civil strife short-lived Southern Han countries simply cannot be compared. So later most of the Chinese people know the famous Northern Wei Dynasty, and for the same period of the Han Chinese Southern Song and I poorly understood. Once a collection of nomadic tribes from the whole nation the strength to seize an opportunity they can use force to Central Plains, and then after a short period of generations, we can take the Chinese nation for thousands of years of time created civilization Xuedong Shoo, and even more than you 1. If several hundred years without a large-scale wolf blood transfusion, it was difficult to support the soft-bone on the China Building.


the relative news below

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